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Why should you perform HALT/HASS?

What are HALT and HASS?

Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) is an approach that employs an approach of stepping stress when exposing your product various accelerated stress levels to determine the physical limits of the product’s design and its reliability. Manufacturers can identify their products’ failure patterns and identify the causes of failure.

High-Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS) is a process of production quality inspection that can quickly and effectively detect any defects that might have accidentally developed during the manufacturing phase.

Both are “Test Analyze, Test, Verify and Fix” methods – and both include Root Cause Analysis along the method!

Why should you do HALT/HASS?

Highly accelerated tests for life find defects and weaknesses in the design stage by testing up to failure. Similarly, high-speed stress screening (HASS) uncovers manufacturing flaws in production parts prior to their installation, without affecting the longevity of the product. HALT also provides important data on reliability indicators at the level of components. The results of the test are beneficial to customers, safeguard the reputation of the manufacturer, and can prevent costly re-designs at the end of the product development process. Click here for HALT testing.

What’s unique in a test chamber?

As opposed to other chambers that simulate the environment, HALT and HASS chambers provide rapid temperature ramp rates (up to 60C/min) and incorporate vibration, thermal and shock simulation into one device. Similar to other kinds of Vibration and Shock Testing devices, the test equipment require mounting fixtures to mimic the desired orientation and transmit energy from vibration without interference.

Up of fifty Grms are possible to apply on the three linear axes (X, Y and Z) as well as three rotational Axes (pitch roll, yaw).

What is the best way to define HALT/HASS tests?

The profiles for HALT and HSS are comprised of various segments that are defined by the intended application environment:

The Hot and Cold Stress Incrementally increasing or decreasing the temperature to determine product’s limitations. Choose the start and ending locations based on the final-use environment to ensure the reliability of the product as well as the physical limits of components.

Vibration Stress Step: gradually increasing the level of vibration, with a pause halfway up to check how your product reacts. Start at a predetermined Grms level, then stay for a specific amount of time and then increase the amplitude to a higher level and repeat the process to cause failures.

Rapid thermal transitions (or thermal shock) Submitting your product to specified minimum and maximum temperatures, and then rapidly switching between them.

The Combined Environment simulates real environment conditions in which your product is exposed to various different environments at the same time.

Here are a few HALT/HASS acronyms commonly used to describe test profiles:

“Grms””Grms” Vibrational G’s inside the mean of square root in which “G” is the acceleration caused by gravity.

“PSD””PSD” Power Spectral Density – In the spectrum of random vibrations, it’s the measurement of frequency and amplitude.

“LOL” as well as “LDL” In the step the stress stage, they are”Lower Operating Limits” or “Lower Operating Limit” and “Lower Destructive Limit”

“UOL” as well as “UDL””UOL” and “UDL “Upper Operating Limit” and the “Upper Limit of Destruct Limit ” occur during the step stress stage.