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Benefits of Spray Painting Kitchen Cabinets

In most homes technology and modern day facilities are utilized in every space which makes the kitchen an extremely utilized places. It is possible to cook and eat, drink and even gather in the kitchen. Therefore, it is not a surprise that the furniture to be adorned and painted.

When you choose spray painting kitchen cabinets, you can be assured that the cabinet’s colour and design will last for a long duration. They also offer that fantastic contemporary design that is admired by many.

If your kitchen cabinet isn’t in good shape, particularly due to the faded the color, a new layer of colour is the best alternative.

A majority of people have a difficult time making an informed decision in making a decision about whether to spray or hand paint the cabinets in their kitchen. As an owner, let’s take a take a look at the reasons you should choose spray paints for kitchen cabinets and furniture.

Differences Between Spray Painting and Hand Painting

Spray painting isn’t just the most effective method of painting kitchen cabinets, it’s also a simple way to achieve the most perfect result. There isn’t any evidence of brush strokes when you choose to paint with spray.

This process requires lots of expertise and effort, but is worth the effort due to the excellent results it produces.

In contrast, hand painting can take the longest time , and can still leave a rough result, particularly in the event that the incorrect brush is employed.

This method will mean that you’ll get brush strokes that appear on the cabinet’s surface this isn’t great. It is well-known that you’re looking for an attractive and smooth finish that is refreshing.

This is the Spray Painting Process

If you’re aware of the different types of spray paint for kitchen cabinets is what do you do with the process? The steps below will show you what you should be aware of:

A Cabinet Preparation Stage

Remove All Hardware

All hinges and hardware have been removed from kitchen cabinets.

Clean the Surfaces of the Cabinet

The cabinets are cleaned thoroughly with a degreasing agent in order to remove all grease or dirt to stop the paint from falling off.

Re-sand and clean surfaces

A dustless sanding machine can be utilized to smooth the surface on the cabinets.

Mask Off and Dry Well

Make use of masking tapes to cover walls, shelves as well as floors within the cupboards. Place the doors and drawers on the floor and the drawers to dry.

The Painting Step

First, a primer applied to the surface. The primer allows the paint to adhere well and extend for a beautiful final.

After the primer has dried, an uniform amount of paint can be painted using the paint sprayer.

The second coat provides the high-quality finish and more coverage than you want. The final step is that the entire thing is put back together so that you can have your kitchen cabinets back secured.

Benefits of Spray Paint

Here are the top advantages of spraying paint on kitchen cabinets:

Spray painting provides a more smooth and more even coverage. It doesn’t leave behind the brush strokes, which are usually visible when using the paintbrush.
It’s faster than the majority of brushes and covers. an extensive area in a shorter time.
Spray paint will apply two coatings which is not the case with traditional paint brushes. They can also reduce the amount of cash on labor.

What all it boils down to

The process of spraying paint kitchen cabinets requires lots of work however it makes a big difference in the final results you receive. This is why it’s well worth it, especially if you work with a professional who will make it look effortless!