A Bristol firm has won European funding for a project aimed at accelerating residential retrofitting so the city can hit its net zero targets.
PyTerra has been awarded a £45,730 grant from the European Regional Development Fund, managed by the West of England Combined Authority, as part of a £114k R&D project.
The project will see PyTerra develop a software application to help private landlords in Bristol with the collective purchasing of retrofit services to make their properties more energy-efficient.
Residential retrofitting will play a key role in helping Bristol city council towards its 2030 net zero target.
It’s expected that the Government will require all new tenancies to have an Energy Performance Certificate Rating of C by 2025, with all rented properties expected to fall in line three years later.
The new app will be designed to help landlords save time and money on the modifications and building work needed by bringing together buying groups that can tap into the skills and expertise available in the retrofit construction industry.
The project will be backed by a20-strong team from across the South West, including those from Rocketmakers, Carnsight Communications, Beautiful Insights, Dtime, Geospatial Insight, Quidos, and interns from the University of Bath and the University of Bristol.
David Arscott, founder and CEO at PyTerra, said: “This project is the culmination of months of intensive research we’ve undertaken to best tackle retrofitting and decarbonisation. We are so pleased to be awarded this grant so that we can accelerate our business development.
“We aim to give private landlords and letting agents visibility of the types of changes needed to ensure properties continue to act as sound investments while maintaining compliance, improving conditions for tenants, and contributing to net zero. Our innovative approach delivers all this through high performing buying groups.”
Jerry Turner, chief commercial officer at PyTerra, said: “Feedback in the marketplace so far has been incredibly positive and we look forward to launching the prototype and saving landlords money and time in making these really important changes. We’ve assembled a brilliant team of specialists from the South West and beyond, alongside some very talented interns, to help us.”
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