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What is Laser Hair Removal?

Beginning the process of eliminating unwanted body hair by laser hair removal may be a daunting choice, but the quicker you begin, the faster you’ll start to see incredible results. The amount of body hair we desire and where we’d like to keep it has changed in the past and differs across the different cultures. If you prefer smooth legs, no hairy armpits or to keep away from the 5 o’clock shadow you should consider the use of lasers to remove hair.

Hair removal using lasers has been a preferred alternative to shaving, waxing threading, plucking as well as chemical removal of hair over the past 10 years for a reasons that are well-founded. It’s easier as compared to waxing, safer than the chemicals that may cause skin burns, and is shorter than shaving once every few days. If you’re considering eliminating unwanted hair for good You should consider try this method. This procedure is cosmetic and allows for secure and reliable removal of body hair, with long-lasting outcomes.

What exactly is Laser Hair Removal?

Removal of hair using lasers can be the most efficient and safe method of getting rid of hair that isn’t needed. Like the name implies, the laser is specially developed and employed to eliminate undesirable hair, by destroying hair follicles and preventing them from producing more hair. Laser treatments are administered by highly experienced and skilled aestheticians who are under the guidance by board-certified dermatologists. In the year 2020 hair removal procedures included among three top most commonly used treatments performed across the UK.

The laser generates energy, which can be targeted at the hair follicle due its distinct color in comparison to the skin. Laser pulses target the hair follicles, damaging them and stopping their ability to create new hair. The amount of sessions for removal by laser required will vary based on the texture and color the hair is, the hormonal influence, and the area in your body. The most common amount of sessions is required to eliminate the majority of hair that is not wanted is five, separated by four weeks. Contrary to waxing or shaving yourself on your own, chance of irritation on the area of treatment is minimal, and lasers can help avoid ingrown shaving bumps as well as razor hair.

The laser hair device can treat virtually any part of the body, which includes:


What is the best time to get laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal using the correct machine is an excellent alternative for everyone. We’ve treated patients of all ages, genders and skin tones, as well as aged, and with a range of medical histories. You must be able to distinguish your skin tone and complexion color. But do not worry about it, the latest lasers available have become extremely sensitive to this requirement. It is also essential to remain hormonally stable, which is why we wouldn’t recommend getting laser hair removal while you are breastfeeding, pregnant or going through puberty menopausal. The ideal time to undergo rid of hair with lasers is in a period of time during which you’re not planning to tanning. This means that you should always avoid sun exposure during the entire 5 months that you undergo treatment.

Ten Benefits to Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal offers many advantages due to a myriad of. Here are 10 of the top:

1. Long-term solution

After the hair follicles have lost their function, they won’t regenerate. That means you can get rid of unwanted hair permanently and experience long-lasting outcomes.

2. Low maintenance

Hair removal using lasers can be a smart option for anyone looking for an effective and permanent solution to hair removal. It is recommended to do annual touch-ups, however, that’s not much compared to the time you’d spend shaving!

3. Minimal side effects

Through advances in laser treatment these treatments have improved their effectiveness and are less painful. efficient, thereby reducing the number and severity of side effects. The most frequent adverse effect is follicular edema which is a redness in the follicle, which lasts for 24 to 48 hours.

4. Quick

Hair removal treatments using lasers can be quick. Small body parts (lip or underarms or bikini) can be done in just 15 minutes! Larger areas can just take up a small part of your day.

5. No more hair ingrown

Laser hair removal procedures eliminate hairs that have grown in, and reduce the possibility of irritation as well as bumps and itching.

6. Less painful

Hair removal using lasers can be less painful in comparison to other methods of removal of hair, like waxing threading, tweezing and tweezing.

7. Safety

With the advancement of the technology of laser hair removal those with darker skin tones are now able to have the same degree of security as those who have lighter complexions. You can count on no more cuts from razors which can leave ugly wounds.

8. Careful Treatment

The accuracy the laser can provide makes it the ideal choice for the removal of specific hairs for example, those found within a specific area or on a tiny portion of skin. We can even treat your eyebrows, or make your beard look more sculpted.

9. Promotes beautiful skin

As well as the reduction of hair Laser treatments also reduce the severity and frequency that acne outbreaks occur. Laser treatments can also help prevent dark marks that occur due to irritation on the skin and to improve the tone and texture of your skin.

10. Convenient

Laser hair removal is a great way to save much time spent grooming.


The initial cost associated with laser hair elimination may seem daunting, but when you consider the many visits to the salon, shaving cream, razors, and your precious time it will be apparent that it’s not difficult to make a profit by committing to this solution for the long term.

What should you expect from an appointment with a laser hair removal specialist?

When you undergo the procedure during the procedure, you will receive protective eyewear and setting of the laser device will be altered for every patient. Cold gels or cooling device can be used to protect the outer skin regions throughout the treatment.

In the course of treatment the light pulses will be emitted to the targeted area and you might feel a slight discomfort. It is described as a feeling similar to the warmth of a pinprick, or an elastic band snagged against the skin. The first treatment can cause more discomfort than the subsequent treatments.

The process itself is different in duration depending on the region that is being treated. It could last between a few minutes one hour, or more. When the treatment is complete, you can receive creams, lotions, or anti-inflammatory creams cold packs to ease any pain that persists.

How long will it take to see the results?

Following each treatment, you’ll see the results accumulate. The usual thinning of hair is the first stage and you will be able to see this in just a couple of sessions. When the follicles have weakened, it could take a few days or weeks to allow the treated hair follicles to shed completely. Hairs will not shed immediately and, in this time it may appear as the growth rate continues to increase.

The results may vary based on factors like density and hair thickness. Laser hair removal is usually efficient in halting growth for months or even years, but it doesn’t always lead to permanent removal.

After the initial treatment, you can expect to see between 10 and 25 percent less hair than before. The majority of patients require 2-6 laser treatments. After the treatment is completed the majority of patients do not notice any hair growth on their skin treated for a few months, or years. When it grows back, it tends to be less and the color tends to be lighter too.

How long do results last?

The majority of people experience hair loss that lasts for a long time. If the laser hair removal procedure is performed correctly and the patient’s skin type is compatible with the treatment settings, long-lasting outcomes are possible. Sometimes, regrowth can occur. Hair might be lighter or more fine than before, but it is evident to the naked eye. If you’re younger (teens to 20s) or experience an extreme hormonal change following your initial treatment, it is likely that you’ll develop new hair follicles which will produce new hair over the course of your life. The growth of hair can’t be slowed down, but is treatable with another session of laser hair removal.