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Why work at Summer Camp?

What are the benefits of being camp counselors for the duration of summer? What is it that makes it different from other summer internships or jobs which a student at college might be able to land?

It’s crucial to inquire about these issues because it’s easy to get confused about what it’s like to be a counselor. You could, for instance, mistakenly believe that it’s not an “real job” or even “glorified babysitting” or even that it’s only for people who want to become teachers. If you’ve never had the opportunity to work at an organization, you could get the wrong impression of the kind of work you do as well as the obstacles you’ll have to confront and the knowledge you need to face the obstacles.

Whatever your field of study and no matter your future career goals are the work of a camp counselor is among the most effective ways to spend your summer for your personal benefit and for your job future.

Here’s why!

The most important benefit of becoming a J1 camp counselor is the ability to learn and develop valuable practical abilities. Every day, successful counselors improve their abilities to interact with people, to be able to handle difficult tasks, and perform their tasks with a keen eye and enthusiasm. Simply living the life of an experienced camp counselor gives you concrete evidence of being a highly successful, efficient person. It helps to reinforce important practices and proves that you are able to contribute positively in the work place. The fact that you are able to perform the duties of a camp counselor confirms that you’re capable and proficient in crucialand employable ways.

Skills that Counselors develop at Camp

These are the top 10 useful skills counselors acquire while working at camps.

1. Responsibilities

Being a part of a summer camp requires taking on the responsibility of looking after children of other children. It requires a strong obligation to ensure that campers are secure, physically as well as emotionally. In general, counselors are expected to ensure that campers are content and engaged within the camp community. It is only after showing their dependability, attentiveness as well as maturity, that they get assigned this type of obligation.

Every counselor will say that their schedules are full of moments where they have to work hard and behave responsiblyfor example, teaching children new skills and providing the right amount of encouragement when it is needed.

2. Teamwork

Collaboration with staff members from other departments is an essential aspect of being camp counselor. We’re all on an equal team working together and relying on one another and helping each other in the course of our work at camp. There’s a genuine necessity for teamwork in camps because there are so many campers who have common goals- co-counselors in charge of in their groups of cabins, teachers training activity skills, and teams of campers preparing for special events for all campers, for instance.

In a community that is close-knit like camp, you can achieve things when you join individuals with a variety of abilities, talents, and experiences to create a positive camping experience for all. You’ll discover the benefits from working in a group.

3. Selflessness

Being a good counselor position at camp and becoming an active member of a team requires an innate sense of humility. When you are at camp, you must to be quick to put other people prior to yourself. Counselors at camp often have to sacrifice individual freedoms, and typically are less private as part of a smaller group of people. While you focus on taking care of children, teaching them, and guiding them through the challenges of camp life you’ll discover yourself being responsive to their needs, and helping others with their tasks.

It’s an exciting shift from being self-absorbed and towards an ethics of serving others. Instead of the day being “all about you,”” your camp life is about learning the art of putting “we ahead of me.”

4. Leadership

Camp counselors are the leaders of camp. Alongside their co-counselors they provide direction to the children they supervise. They act as positive role models to help campers make better choices by providing encouragement and advice to overcome challenges, as well as influence the inter-personal dynamics of their groups. Through their compassion and enthusiasm, counselors “set the mood” on their children, directly impacting their experience at camp. Because campers look up to them every day to be a good counselor, it requires the ability to lead and a certain amount of charisma and constant confidence.

Camp counselors are leaders by showing the best aspects of themselves as they are thoughtful and attentive to their campers’ needs. It’s not long before youngsters to see the leadership and be awed by it.

5. Management

Camp counselors also serve as managers. Their job at camp is helping groups of kids get tasks completed in the way they are supposed to from chores in the cabin to dining room procedure. Counselors need to ensure that campers are kept informed about their daily schedules, their areas of activity are well-organized and that they work with the other staff members. They are empowered to ensure that standards are adhered to and follow rules for camp to keep everyone safe.

In the midst of day-to-day chores and objectives, counselors use their leadership abilities to guide their campers, assisting them to deal with the challenges of camp life to get maximum enjoyment from the camp experience. In the most fundamental sense, counselors at camp manage the camp in a way that is efficient and effective.

6. Problem Solution

The job of a camp counselor usually involves solving issues. Being a counselor and working with children in camp as an example there are likely to be conflicts among campers. Weather conditions are likely to alter the plans of an event planned. Every morning the schedule of events will have to be adjusted and, invariably an entire cabin is likely to be in a struggle.

Counselors are trained to be flexible in camp and be prepared with alternate and creative solutions whenever needed. The reason is as simple as the name: they’re prepared to help whenever an unexpected issue arises. As leaders and managers on the job, camp counselors can be also skilled problem-solvers too.

7. Decision Making

Camp counselors make choices all day. They have to make the decision of how best to guide their campers as they adjust to the new independence of summer camp. As with every teacher, they need to choose the most effective method to interact and guide the campers who participate in their programs. In the course of their day, counselors will often encounter new situations in which they have to consider different perspectives or seek out advice from others and consider the possibilities of making the decision they make.

From moment to moment, they are relying on their experience and their values to determine how they will respond to inquiries in the way they’ll help and guide their campers and what they’ll do in order to help the camp community.

8. Communication

Camp counselors are superb face-to face communication experts. As part of the social atmosphere of camp they are constantly in contact with campers, staff members, directors and occasionally parents. They engage in conversations in person with the campers and staff. they sing, perform and entertain large numbers in assemblies as well as at meals.

Counselors are encouraged and urged to show their authentic selves and build positive relationships with the people who surround them, without the filtering and abstraction typically provided by phones and other social networks. The camp environment encourages that you need the importance of reaching out to connect with other people.

9. Listening

Camp counselors are great listeners, too. They are also known as very engaging, and are eager to learn and grow from the people around them. They improve their listening skills by paying close attention to all in the camp community , and being supportive, caring and encouraging.

They are able to listen and celebrate the accomplishments of others. They listen to acknowledge with respect and without judgement the way someone feels and offer real encouragement regarding the future steps. Through the changes and tribulations of the many friendships that you’ll encounter at camp your compassion and listening ability will develop.

10. Self-Awareness

Camp counselors are extremely aware of their own behavior. Their commitment to creating an environment that is healthy and safe for their children, the quality of the friendships they build at camp, as well as the tender care they give to people’s emotions offer countless opportunities for learning about their own personal lives. Being counselors can be fun but it’s also going to be difficult at times. You will be tested on your weaknesses and strengths, as well as your ability to endure, your ability to laugh, and your character.

The camp’s friendly community is the ideal place to unwind and let your authentic self shine, to learn about your own values and to be more comfortable when faced with new challenges.


What else summer jobs are similar to this? What else could you do that will have such a significant impact on your practical skills? The development of these 10 skills through camps will make a huge impact on your career and will prepare you for success in any other workplace.

It’s no wonder that smart employers are delighted to have “camp counselor” mentioned on a candidate’s resume. They recognize that former camp counselors have demonstrated their skills in an environment that was challenging and have mastered these essential abilities. They recognize that any person who has these 10 qualities will be an excellent employee! As a counselor at camp, you can increase your marketability as they are exactly the same skills employers look for when hiring.

Therefore, you can make your resume more professional by using the knowledge you gained during camp. Use active verbs. You managed people, led groups, and worked as an entire team. You solved issues, improved communication, and you made numerous complex decisions. In interviews about all one of these! Discuss how working at camp required you to use these abilities.

The work at camp is the most enjoyable summer job. It is a great way to enhance your knowledge and develop incredible abilities and develop personal traits that will make your experience more satisfying and memorable. Camp counselors provide an elation and self-confidence that no other internship or job can equal.

It’s a position that literally, molds and nurtures your highest self.