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What is nursery school like in Hong Kong?

The nursery school is the first step for a lot of Hong Kong families in their beginning education before formal schooling starts. Nurseries, along with informal playgroups, are among the earliest places that parents and moms take their children to help them with developing cognitive, social, and fine and gross motor abilities. How do you know whether a nursery is suitable for your child’s age and development? How do you select the right nursery program? Sometimes, education centers or schools depend on parents’ inexperience and information to convince them to join, however, since this is your little one’s first entry into preschool, it’s important to be as knowledgeable as you can.

What is a nursery school?

Private and public schools, along with education centers are all nursery schools that are available within Hong Kong. The nurseries can accommodate children ages 2 to 4 depending on the institution, although certain schools will take infants who are as young as six weeks old. (This older age group is more appropriate to call pre-nursery.) Nurseries usually are open all of the time, as opposed to afternoon and morning sessions that preschools offer. Thus, they usually provide three meals daily. Essentially, nurseries are meant to take care of children throughout the day, especially if a parent has an active job.

Another benefit for nurseries lies in the fact that instead strict curriculums, they offer relaxed environments with a broad assortment of exciting activities. Playgroups can also offer casual, non-structured play opportunities However, nurseries are different in that they are led by teachers in the early years who are able to provide a loving and caring environment so that children can play comfortably and easily develop their early learning capabilities.

Local or international

Nurseries in local and international schools are mostly different in their way of learning and the community culture in terms of expectations and curriculum varying based on if you choose a Canadian, American, British and so on. International school.

International schools typically emphasize English speaking in addition to Chinese learning.

Parents should also take into consideration the future school they want their little one attending. Your baby will have an advantage if they get registered at the same location to start nursery in the same way you would prefer them to attend for kindergarten and beyond, as existing students.

Language mode(s)

Are you and your partner already been speaking with your child in different languages at your home? It’s crucial to carry on this conversation through nursery school. Many offer English-Mandarin bilingual immersion with a native instructor of each language within their nursery programmes. Check with the educational centre you are considering to see whether they provide English, Cantonese, or Mandarin teaching or a combination of the three.

Nursery programmes

While nursery educators aren’t required to have specific qualifications but it’s recommended that they have a degree in early childhood education. When you visit an infant nursery (which is a must read more about) Don’t be afraid to ask the branch manager or staff member questions regarding their credentials, experience and programs.

Look for indicators such as if the program is varied, tailored to the child’s development needs, and if the children in the nursery seem to be involved and content.

School facilities for Nursery children

When you’ve narrowed down a list of prospective nurseries, you can schedule a visit. You may even bring your toddler along to see how they interact with the environment. Since your child will be at nursery almost all daylong, it’s crucial to ensure that the school’s amenities and resources are well-maintained and fun for children:

Are there areas for outdoor play and dedicated rooms for art or music?
Are the playgrounds secure?
Do you see the potential of your kid being both active and content?

Children’s ratio to teachers

The minimum ratio of teacher to child in nurseries can be anywhere from 1:12 to 1:15. Certain schools have less ratios to ensure each child gets the attention they need.

FAQ about nursery school

What is the difference between preschool and nursery?

The two types of preschools differ in that preschools have segmented morning and afternoon sessions and nurseries provide all-day programs. In addition, nursery programs are generally less structured, while preschool programs focus on preparation to go on formal schooling.

How can you tell the differences between pre-nursery and nursery?

It is a popular choice in Hong Kong, pre-nursery is designed for children between the ages of 2 and 3. Nursery is for ages 3 and 4.

What’s the connection between nursery and kindergarten?

Nursery is among the initial steps of preparation for children to attend kindergarten. In the nursery school the children are able to make progress in their fine motor, cognitive, social, and emotional skills.