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Home ยป Cannabis Seed Quality: What To Know Before You Grow

Cannabis Seed Quality: What To Know Before You Grow

High-quality seeds are the secret to healthy plants and great yields. Although proper feeding and watering as well as good light quality can affect the yield and health that your crops can produce, beginning an indoor plant with the best genetics is just as, if not more essential. But how do you differentiate high-quality cannabis seeds from others? We’ll explain the best way to recognize high-quality cannabis seeds, steer clear of the flims ones, and get your plant off in the right way.

Appearance and Feel – Examining the Size, Color and Shape of Your Seeds

In contrast to other crops for agriculture (like fruits, vegetables or grains) cannabis isn’t subjected to the same rigorous breeding procedures which ensure a steady yield. This means that you may sow a set of seeds technically identified by the name of the “strain,” but may result in quite different-looking plants. Also, the individual seeds you purchase from a seed bank could appear different.

The possibility that cannabis seeds could differ in appearance has been a reason for some growers to believe that the shape, size or color of a plant determines its quality.

We don’t recommend considering the shape or size of the seed to determine its quality. Some varieties simply have larger seeds than the others and in some cases, the same plant may produce seeds of various dimensions and shapes. Do not throw away a seed just because it’s smaller or has the same shape as another.

The colour and the feel of a seed however will tell you something about its maturation and the potential to germinate into an enlightened seedling.

Cannabis seeds mature typically come with a hard outer layer which can range in hue from dark (or nearly black) to a light grey, and could also have the appearance of tiger stripes. It is recommended to hold these seeds in your hands without harming the seeds.

Cannabis seeds that are still in their embryos On the other hand tend to be green, and they have an outer shell which breaks when any type force is applied.

Remember that the basic procedure of packaging and storing cannabis seeds may also alter their appearance. Rapid fluctuations in temperature, humidity or light exposure may cause some seeds to appear lighter or darker than others, but they will do not affect the quality of their seeds.

Be aware that, like mammals and other living creatures cannabis seeds are biologically distinct from each other (even even if technically the same plant) and consequently will display distinct physical features. Do not let these inherent distinctions make you believe that a rounder, larger more dark seed (for instance) is more valuable as compared to a smaller, lighter and more oval-shaped one.

Are You Able To Tell the sexuality of Cannabis Seeds based on their appearance?

We get this question over and over from both novice and experienced growers, and the solution is a clear no. There is no way to determine the gender of a cannabis seed simply by taking a look.

A quick search on the internet will yield a variety of myths regarding how to differentiate the female seeds of cannabis from male seeds. Some of the more well-known ones is from an illustration of five different seeds , which claim that female seeds have “a perfectly circular volcano-like depression on the bottom (from the point at which the seed was connected with the cannabis plant).”

It’s not the case. We have already explained that cannabis seeds appear differently, and no one physical characteristic of a seed will tell you if that seeds have the genetics of either a male or female plant. Only way to distinguish the difference between a female cannabis plant and the male one is by looking at its blooms when it starts to sex. Don’t fall for the trap of giving out healthy seeds because a popular chart on the internet said so.

Growing Seeds from a Bag (Bagseed)

Certain smokers may be happy to find cannabis seedlings in their bags and may consider themselves lucky. However, the seeds that are found in a bag is not a good idea due to various reasons. One reason is that the grower is in error and let their female plants be pollinated by a male invading. Once flowers are pollinated they stop producing resin containing THC and instead focus their energy on creating seeds. In addition, the seeds be added to the mass of the bag meaning less weed for your money.

In this regard there is a chance to get lucky if the strain you were growing is actually top-quality. In this instance it’s worth performing the next test to determine whether you can germinate it.

The Germination of All Seeds, Regardless

The best way to assess the potential genetics of a plant is to plant it in soil. It will not take long to observe the results. This is the best option for the amateur home gardener with time and space to undertake a risky venture. Growers who cultivate cannabis for commercial use probably do not have the time to invest in.

Get Your Seeds Sourced Well

An effective method to acquire excellent seeds is to locate an established seed bank. They are proud on their breeding abilities and ensure that their clients receive exactly what is promised. They have reputations they must satisfy, so providing anything less will damage their reputation.

Another option is to purchase seeds from an amateur. That’s not to suggest that hobby growers don’t create amazing genetics, but If you don’t have any knowledge of them or their expertise it’s impossible to be sure that your seeds will succeed.

Conducting the Float Test

If you’re still not sure regarding the quality of your seeds after looking at their appearance and hardness now is the time to put your lab coat on and put on your goggles. Well, not quite. The test is very simple and offers only two possibilities of results. Fill a glass, or glass container using liquid (preferably spring or distillate) and then place the seeds on the top.

This cost-effective and simple method is an excellent way to differentiate the beneficial genotypes and the bad they can sink or swim literally. Seeds that are floundering at the top are likely to be of poor quality and should be eliminated. Seeds that sink down to the bottom in the form of a botanical cannonball are likely to be healthy and ought to be germinated.

However, some patience is required while conducting the float test as the results may not be immediately evident. You’ll need to wait about a couple of hours before you can confirm the results. Certain seeds of high-quality will require sufficient time to absorb water to allow the seeds to sink. Take this time to in the garden to water it and do some pruning completed. When you return and you’re done, any seeds left in the soil are likely to be unsustainable and won’t make a difference in time and effort.

It’s crucial to only run this test if you’re intending to germinate the seeds shortly afterward. The seeds that are viable and sink into at the base of your glass have taken up water, and will have crossed their membrane, signaling that it’s the time to come back to life by activating the process of germination.

Cannabis Seed Quality The Bottom Line

Quality of the seeds you purchase can have an impact directly in the final quality the harvest. In this regard that, it is essential that you follow the above tips to evaluate the quality of any seeds that you purchase. However but, make sure to keep in mind that every cannabis plant is unique and therefore likely to produce distinct seeds.