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What are Carbon’s problems?

You already know what the Carbon Footprint is, and its effects are not just on our lives but also on the entire world. But did you have the knowledge that it is possible to buy Carbon Credit to compensate for all the emissions that corporations as well as individuals create?

As it is the largest responsible gas that causes the imbalance in the Greenhouse Effect, we need to address global warming and climate change that are already, revealing their presence. So, if we do not alter our relationship to carbon, then we’ll have an uncertain future.

Given the fact that the quantity of carbon released into the air is concerning The concept of carbon credit was developed in 1997, based on Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto Protocol.

The plan was tied on the topic of the decrease of emissions of greenhouse gases. Countries needed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent, in comparison to those of 1990, in addition to actively participating in environmental problems.

The goals of countries and corporations must be set to minimize carbon emissions, without the requirement of purchasing credits. The less the purchases are required the lower the carbon emissions that will be released into the atmosphere.

Learn more about carbon credits and their use along with its advantages and drawbacks in this article.

What are the components that make carbon?

Photosynthesis is the most well-known method for making carbon. Living creatures absorb solar energy and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert this carbon dioxide into oxygen. Through breathing and decomposition of living creatures carbon is released too.

Carbon is created by terrestrial, marine, animal and plant beings. Carbon is produced by the process of decay and by the utilization of fossil fuels including oil, coal as well as natural gas. Additionally, carbon production occurs each day via deforestation, pollution, and fires.

What are Carbon’s biggest issues?

Carbon production started to be a problem due to the high volume of production. The process, that was thought to be natural and balanced increased with the advent of human activity after the Industrial Revolution. This is why the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is now extremely harmful.

These emissions into the atmosphere disrupt the dynamics of natural warming in the Earth. Instead of enjoying a natural greenhouse effect necessary to keep a temperature balance around the globe, we need to be aware of overheating as the higher concentration of the gases that trigger this process keeps the heat from escaping out into space.

The concentration of greenhouse gases changes the entire ecosystem on Earth, causing global warming: overheating causes global climate change. Our entire lifestyle is intrinsically connected to the seasons. either too much or not enough rain. Intense heat and extreme cold are details that completely change the nature of life on Earth.

We therefore follow radical shifts like:

melting glaciers;
floods and droughts;
loss of biodiversity;
volcanoes erupting, etc.

What exactly is Carbon compensation?

There are various initiatives that aim to cut carbon emissions. However, some emissions are inevitable. However, they can be compensated or neutralized in the sense that investments are made into actions to balance the amount of carbon produced.

One carbon credit is equivalent to one ton of carbon not emitted into the atmosphere. The value of the credit varies. at present in Brazil, it costs around R$2000. Countries can buy as well as sell carbon credit as corporations. But the market shouldn’t be understood as the solution to releasing carbon on a whim. On the contrary.

Carbon compensation is possible by taking simple steps in daily activities, for example, the reduction of energy use. Being a green lifestyle can also help compensate for carbon, so you could:

choosing one or two days a week not to eat meat on one or two days a week;
reconsider the usage of the car;
have a conscious consumption;
with others.

The changes made by companies on a regular basis need to be added to those that are made by individuals.

Companies should consider sustainable infrastructure, while also maintaining environmental awareness, and even engaging employees in environmental initiatives. They also need to consider different forms of compensation such as the purchase of carbon credits.

Another alternative for companies is to encourage planting trees and to create green areas. It is also possible for people to join this green movement and also support organisations that promote sustainable practices. Compensating for carbon is a reality that must be contemplated by all to prevent an environmental deterioration for life on Earth. Another option is to trade carbon credits.

What are carbon footprints? And why does it affect your daily life. In it, you will know more about carbon emissions and the consequences of carbon in your daily life. There is still facts to help to reduce emission of greenhouse gases.

Who is able to neutralize carbon emissions?

The carbon emissions that are released can be offset by corporations and individuals.

It is becoming more popular for businesses to be involved in this process of neutralizing emissions and buying carbon credits. Some of the biggest global companies take part in this process, such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz and Unilever. It was in Brazil, Natura put into practice the Carbon Neutral Program in 2007.

Businesses are becoming aware of the connection between environmental concerns and economic success. So, in addition to investing in sustainable initiatives, they are also creating carbon neutralization targets. Projects can be as diverse as is possible and could include:

the investment in renewable energy;
Zero waste
make biodegradable material;
the creation of eco-friendly cars;
create a sustainable production chain;
as well as.

In addition to the activities and changes that happen in the production cycle of firms, some also invest in the purchase and the sale of carbon credits which have become a new currency on the financial markets. One carbon credit is equivalent to one tonne of carbon that hasn’t been released into the atmosphere.

Countries also participate in this initiative to offset emissions. As in the case of companies, their actions need to be thought out in a sustainable way. In addition, they can participate in the carbon credits market.

Benefits of Carbon Credit Carbon Credit

As was mentioned previously every carbon credit equates to a ton of carbon dioxide which was not emitted into the atmosphere. Thus, just having the credit is an advantage. The company or country that does not see an alternative to reduce their carbon emissions will find a benefit by purchasing this credit.

For some organizations, countries and businesses, the benefit is in the selling of carbon credits since they are institutions that manage to reduce carbon emissions. In this way, they increase their economic performance by leveraging the benefits of investing in the sustainability initiatives they create.

Carbon credits purchased by companies who are concerned about the environment will boost their image. Sometimes, the company acts sustainably, but there is some carbon emits. In this case the purchase of credit indicates how much the business is committed to promoting sustainable practices.

Disadvantages of Carbon Credit

The major drawback of carbon credit is that it’s in this exchange market. Some institutions and countries can accommodate themselves in the market and continue to emit their greenhouse gases. They don’t invest in initiatives to limit emissions because they can buy unlimited credits.

In this case, the reduction of 1 ton of carbon, which is, one credit, will not be enough. Since, in reality there will be a person who uses this tonof carbon, and therefore there won’t really be an emission reduction. This disadvantage causes much controversy among environmentalists and world leaders.

The use of carbon credit is also to be thought of in a sustainable way. Understand that it is an alternative for emergency needs and not to rely on the assumption that it has helped.

Everybody’s attention should be focused on cutting greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, you be in a position to stop the negative effects caused by global warming.